13th elevator trotsar naturlagarna
Att skriva en bra låttext är sinnessjukt svårt! Med bra menar jag inte bara bra, utan SNUSKIGT bra! Texten ska förmedla något viktigt, ge uttryck för ett specifikt ämne på ett tagande sätt. Inte minst ska den bindas samman snyggt med passande ord, gärna genialiska rim, som ger låten en rättvis och genomsyrande helhet. Inte lite krav kanske? Det var länge sedan jag jag blev så upphetsad som när jag läste denna. Oerhört tagande, egensinnig, viktig och smart. Älska!
13th Floor Elevator- Thru the rhythm
Thru the rhythm of darkened times
Painted black by knowledge crimes
And repetitions pointless mime
Instilling values the sick define
That keeps the fabric that keeps you blind
And ties your hands and cloaks your mind
But on my stilts, I'm above the slime
Come on up if you can make the climb, but who am I?
Who am I? Who am I?
I've smelled the stench from the fumes that rise
From the books that rehash the same old lies
I felt the panic that they disguise
In the forms of laws of every size
I've heard the teachers whine and make me drop out like flies
But you know they teach you nonsense, cause they can't blind your eyes
I've seen the fools gold that they pawn off as their prize
To the average standard the norm supplies, but where am I?
Where am I? Where am I?
You've gobbled all the blessings they caused you to digest
They may be hard to swallow, but they keep your tongue depressed
Your scattered whims were born depressed
So when something slams your chest
You flutter about, you're sleek distressed
And when you stop to ease your breast
A scattered rim leaves you obsessed
While solid thoughts are soon suppressed, but where are you?
Oh, where are you? Hey! Where are you?
Where are you?
Where are you?
¤Existerade mellan 1965-69
¤kom från Austin, USA
¤Spelade hård psykadelisk garagerock (sägs vara det 1a bandet som förklarats som psykadeliskt)
¤bit too much LSD
13th Floor Elevator- Thru the rhythm
Thru the rhythm of darkened times
Painted black by knowledge crimes
And repetitions pointless mime
Instilling values the sick define
That keeps the fabric that keeps you blind
And ties your hands and cloaks your mind
But on my stilts, I'm above the slime
Come on up if you can make the climb, but who am I?
Who am I? Who am I?
I've smelled the stench from the fumes that rise
From the books that rehash the same old lies
I felt the panic that they disguise
In the forms of laws of every size
I've heard the teachers whine and make me drop out like flies
But you know they teach you nonsense, cause they can't blind your eyes
I've seen the fools gold that they pawn off as their prize
To the average standard the norm supplies, but where am I?
Where am I? Where am I?
You've gobbled all the blessings they caused you to digest
They may be hard to swallow, but they keep your tongue depressed
Your scattered whims were born depressed
So when something slams your chest
You flutter about, you're sleek distressed
And when you stop to ease your breast
A scattered rim leaves you obsessed
While solid thoughts are soon suppressed, but where are you?
Oh, where are you? Hey! Where are you?
Where are you?
Where are you?
¤Existerade mellan 1965-69
¤kom från Austin, USA
¤Spelade hård psykadelisk garagerock (sägs vara det 1a bandet som förklarats som psykadeliskt)
¤bit too much LSD